Note: this page is temporary and is intended to give information to potential Contributors. I have included some articles written on my Farm's BLOG simply to give some idea of how the page works. With the exception of "Sprouting with Hydrogen Peroxide" these are not exactly the format of the articles I intend to publish. These posts will be removed or restated before the Good Earth Soil Magazine goes public.
Recently I read a plaintiff statement on a social media post which proposed a question which can be paraphrased: "Why do we have to answer these same basic questions over and over again?" And this simple question may have presented an opportunity.
Despite the post's apparent argumentative nature, it occurred to me that I too had ask the same question, albeit never in an open forum, because the answer is as basic as the question: We answer the same questions over and over because our answer becomes the research of people searching for answers in their own gardens and the media makes it this way. We, as gardeners and writers want to help others along in their journey, just as we were helped. But there's a more technically correct answer. The fact of social media forums scrolling infinitely into the past causes successive posts to bury the insights we seek to give, causing questions are restated over and over again.
An easy answer to the problem of inherent lossiness imbedded in the medium might be to ask the people with knowledge sufficient to answering these basic questions to write short answers on a page which centralizes the answers outside of the social media environment. My intention in starting the Good Earth Soil Magazine (GESM) is to create something of a "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) resource for Gardeners and Market Garden Farmers. And I am asking you to consider joining in the effort by positing questions and then answering them.
The idea of these articles is to answer those questions repeated over and again by people coming into the Sustainable Agriculture Movement. There will be room for new theory, but the intent is to state forcefully the working knowledge we all have had to find on our own. In practice the same answers to the same questions you may have given many times can then becomes a link to a prewritten and well considered answer, rather than a five paragraph short essay written onto a small window.
GESM wants to bring the "Basic Set" of Sustainable Agriculture knowledge to people in a searchable database of articles, written by people who know, who have done, and who wish to help. So I am inviting you tell us what you know, what you did, how you learned, and who you are.
Of course there will be questions on how best to do this we will find in our own journey together. Ideas which come of the problem solving we will do on top of research of others. But our insights, both old and new, might become the next big thing; the newer Ruth Stout; the easier way Back to Eden. If you have a book, are writing a BLOG, or have a video to promote, the Good Earth Soil Magazine can become a central location by which more people might find you.
Every Contributor article will be given front page exposure and made available by key word search and by key topics. The only restrictions on content will be to the general topic of Sustainable Agriculture knowledge. Anecdotal evidence is sufficient to the needs of our intended audience and Citations to other people's work can add to the veracity of your work but is not required. And if you can make a dollar, without spamming the page, then this can be part of this too.
If you are interested in proposing an article GESM,or have further questions about becoming involved, follow this link to Rules and Contact information.
Propose your questions and write the answers. Include a few key words for the searchbots, images and links to Citations or products. We'll find a way to get your work onto the page.
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